Sunday, May 3, 2015

Don’t price out the small guys and gals

California is also considering a type of regulation on Bitcoin. Regulation can be good, when done properly and fairly. My fear is that with the new laws and regulations, they may “price out” many of the small bitcoin businesses with the fees. California’s AB-1326 will place a $5,000 filing fee. 
Sure some of the companies have that laying around, but that’s not the case for small businesses and startups. The final fee for New York will be known in the near future, it's expected to be around $5,000 as well.

They should lower the fee significantly or introduce a tier system where those with higher assets and net worth would pay a higher fee than those with lower assets. If the fee is yearly, they should then review the performance, profit, assets, and net worth to determine what if any increase is to be imposed. This would give the small businesses a fighting chance. 

You can sign the petition to withdraw AB-1326 here